Truffle ceremony the Netherlands

Psilocybin ceremony of mushroom session? Do you want to attend a psilocybin, mushroom or magic truffle ceremony and you don’t know what to choose? Don’t worry! Magic truffles containing psilocybin meaning it’s all basically the […]

Consciousness and psychedelics

Psiloflora: Consciousness and psychedelics Consciousness and LSD, DMT or psilocybin Consciousness is something not easy to understand what it really is. Still, it is a beautiful philosophical and spiritual subject during a truffle ceremony, LSD […]

Psilocybin depression treatment

Psiloflora: Psilocybin depression treatment Psilocybin therapy and depression Notoriety that psilocybin sessions are a very strong treatment for depression is on the rise. Scientific studies increasingly show that psilocybin is most effective in treating drug-resistant […]

Magic truffles group ceremonies

Psiloflora: Magic truffles group ceremonies Truffle ceremony in the Netherlands Psilocybin containing magic truffles are legal in the Netherlands. By using magic truffles we can give you the same experience as a magic mushroom ceremony […]

Psilocybine sessie

Wat is een psilocybine sessie? Psilocybine is een stof die voorkomt in paddenstoelen van de soort Psilocybe. Na het innemen van deze paddenstoelen of truffels wordt psilocybine omgezet naar psilocine. Psilocine is de stof die […]

Triptherapy is a company in the Netherlands nearby Amsterdam, Haarlem and Alkmaar. The sessions you can book there are psychedelic assisted therapy in combination with healthy lifestyle coaching. Shortlinks to all services offered by triptherapie: […]

Open psychedelic ceremonies

Psiloflora: Open psychedelic ceremonies The locations and ceremonies The open psychedelic ceremonies are open for everybody to join. We offer different ceremonies at different locations. Do you need more information about our locations or ceremonies? […]