Trip therapy: Prevent bad trip

Prevent bad trip

Preventing a bad trip through a good set and setting is what every connoisseur recommends. What a lot of people don't know is that the level of glutamate in the hippocampus plays a significant role in the psychedelic experience and whether people experience a bad or good trip.

It is therefore advisable to balance the neurochemistry beforehand so that the Psilocybin session has a greater positive effect.

Read more here glutamate and bad trips



We are happy to help

It is a great passion to understand the links between psychology and health through a biochemical way and to help people. It is different from what the standard approach in psychology entails, because we are much more than just our psyche and that is why we want to take a holistic approach in order to maximize results. Do you also want to try the holistic approach that we offer through trip therapy? We are ready for you.

Read more about the here method of trip therapy

The original post comes from the link below

Trip therapy against depression, anxiety, stress, burnout and PTSD: Preventing a bad trip

Read more about our here psychedelic therapy in combination with treatment against depression, burnout, stress, fear, low self esteem, social anxiety, PTSD, insecurity and chronic inflammatory diseases.


Other names for psychedelic therapy: Ayahuasca, MDMA therapy, Truffle ceremony, mushroom ceremony, psilocybin ceremony.