Truffle ceremony with psilocybin

A truffle ceremony is a joint truffle session in which several participants eat magic truffles containing psilocybin or drink a tea made from the same magic truffles under the supervision of supervisors. Psilocybin and other similar substances will then be absorbed by the body and converted to psilocin in particular. The participants of the truffle ceremony will then notice the effects of psilocybin/psilocin at about the same time. At our truffle ceremonies, matching music is played and we help everyone with personal preparation to increase the chance of achieving personal goals.

Read more here the difference between psilocybin and magic truffles

Reasons to attend a truffle ceremony

The reasons for participating in a truffle ceremony vary and are used by some people as a spiritual experience or therapy. In the case of therapeutic reasons, the goals of these people are the same as those currently under scientific research. The scientific studies on the use of psilocybin regularly have very positive results and are about the treatment of the following:

  • Alcoholism (AUD, alcohol use disorder)
  • Smoking addiction
  • Opioid addiction
  • Major depression (depressive disorder Major)
  • Treatment resistant depression
  • Anxiety complaints
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Body Dysmorphic Disorders (BDD)
  • Anorexia
  • Alzheimer's
  • Parkinson's
  • Migraine
  • Cluster headache

Read more about the article here scientific studies on psilocybin

Spirituality, creativity and introspection

More and more people find their way to our truffle ceremonies for less serious reasons such as spirituality and introspection. For a small number of people, it is true that they undergo a truffle ceremony in a safe setting for the sole curiosity of the experience or to stimulate creativity. A truffle ceremony can also help with that because the brain starts communicating in a different way. How that works is explained in her article about the spiritual truffle ceremony.

Read more here the spiritual truffle ceremony

Register for a truffle ceremony

The registration procedure goes through our partner Trip therapy. The intake form, which forms the basis for personal advice, can be completed via the links below. Furthermore, the agenda for the open truffle ceremonies can also be found via the links.

Agenda open truffle ceremony | Fill in intake | Contact