Trip therapy: The mystical experience of a truffle ceremony

Mystical experience

A mystical experience is usually called the most valuable experience someone can experience. It is a state of higher consciousness in which the perception of the truth that we usually experience changes into multiple perceptions at the same time. A mystical experience is what our customers experience during the truffle ceremony with a strength of trip level 4.

Read more here trip level 4

read more about this here all triple levels

What happens during a mystical experience?

There are different mystical experiences and everyone experiences something different during a mystical trip. Most people experience a combination of the following.

  1. Being part of a bigger whole (Cosmic Unity)
  2.  Partly choosing the Ego (Ego death)
  3. There is no sense of time (time is relative)
  4. Feeling of well-being (uplifting)
  5. Being connected to the sacred
  6. It is an experience that cannot be told in words
  7. View multiple perspectives at the same time
  8. Sense of positive lifelong change
  9. The feeling of having seen the light
  10. A deeper sense of finding meaning in everything

youtube video

We wrote this article based on this youtube video. It is a nice summary of the mystical experience that someone can experience during a truffle ceremony with a trip level strength of approximately 4.

Do you also want a mystical experience?

Do you also want to grow in life? Our services include more than just organizing a truffle ceremony. We always take into account the objectives of our customers. For example, we have protocols that we adapt to the wishes of the customer. We have protocols for various problems such as:

  • Depression
  • Burnout
  • Anxieties (social, etc.)
  • Addictions (alcohol, coke, etc.)
  • Negative self image (BDD, anorexia, ect.)

Prior to the truffle ceremony, we make a plan to prepare someone physically for the trip through nutrition, supplements and exercise. The aim of this is to ensure that our customers see that taking good care of yourself is rewarded. This insight only really becomes clear during the trip because the trip then also works better because, for example, the receptors have been made more sensitive and because during that trip everything suddenly starts to “land”. During the preparation we sometimes give some assignments, the meaning of which only becomes clear during the trip.

What a trajectory in trip therapy looks like

We believe that a healthy body provides a healthy basis to be mentally healthy as well. We therefore do everything we can to address all facets of existence and that is why we also advise our customers on basic nutrition, exercise and supplements. The whole approach for body and mind ensures the best results in the short and long term. We usually use a schedule for most customers that looks like this:

  1. Report, neurotransmitter test and intake
  2. Advice on nutrition, exercise and supplements based on point 1
  3. Watch a 2-3 week progression from point 2
  4. An individual psychedelic ceremony (unless a group has additional utility or preference)
  5. Debriefing of the truffle ceremony on the same day
  6. After about 1-2 weeks another debriefing

Extras during ceremony

Our psychedelic therapy through one truffle ceremony includes the following extras to make the experience even better:

  • Individual guidance truffle ceremony
  • Aromatherapy (during trip)
  • Color therapy (during trip)
  • Musical support

Possibilities of trip therapy

The biggest advantage of a trip therapy session is that through introspection (looking within yourself) we can send you light to change your self-image. Many addictions, fears, stress, depressions and other personal problems arise from a (negative) wrong self-image, from non-real thoughts or from subconscious stress, which arise from fears in the subconscious. If you allow yourself the best based on nutrition, thought and exercise, this will have a positive effect during and after the trip because these lifestyle changes are considered logical during the trip. Be good to your body and mind and they will be good to you. You are worth being the best version of yourself.

Read more about this our method

What others say trip therapy

A customer's story can often tell more about what we do than we write about ourselves.

Read here all reviews from our “customers”

Are you curious what we can do for you?

Before you sign up with us, it is best to learn as much as possible about trip therapy. Trip therapy works best when someone is ready for it. Of course we are ready for you if you are ready to make your life more pleasant and healthier through physical health and psychedelic therapy. You can expect the best personal service there is from us.

Read more here for whom psychedelic therapy is suitable

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The original post comes from the link below

Trip therapy against depression, anxiety, stress, burnout and PTSD: The mystical experience of a truffle ceremony

Read more about our here psychedelic therapy in combination with treatment against depression, burnout, stress, fear, low self esteem, social anxiety, PTSD, insecurity and chronic inflammatory diseases.


Other names for psychedelic therapy: Ayahuasca, MDMA therapy, Truffle ceremony, mushroom ceremony, psilocybin ceremony.