Psychedelics during the truffle ceremony

The truffle ceremonies all have their own unique additions; some are purely decorative, while others offer welcome experiences that enhance the depth of the ceremony. At its core, a truffle ceremony is about the inner journey on magical truffles, giving participants the opportunity to gain deeper insights into themselves and their lives.

During a truffle ceremony, psilocybin-containing truffles are used, which can induce a powerful psychedelic experience. This experience can range from exploring emotional blockages to discovering spiritual dimensions. Most of the effects of a truffle ceremony are therefore due to the psychedelic substances in the truffles.

Psychedelics from magic truffles

Psilocybin is commonly present and is converted in the body into psilocin, which is largely responsible for the psychedelic effects.

Psilocin is structurally similar to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in regulating mood, perception, and other cognitive functions. By binding to serotonin receptors, specifically the 5-HT2A receptor, psilocin causes changes in the brain’s sensory processing and neurochemistry. This leads to the hallmark effects of hallucinations, changes in the perception of time and space, and a heightened sense of connection to the environment.

In addition to psilocybin and psilocin, magic truffles can also contain other substances, such as baeocystin and norbaeocystin, which also have psychoactive properties, but are present in much smaller quantities. The exact composition can vary depending on the type of truffle and the growing conditions.

The psilocybin content

When using magic mushrooms or truffles, such as during a truffle ceremony, it is often stated in the communication how many grams of truffles or how many milligrams of psilocybin are given. This is done because psilocybin is the main psychoactive substance responsible for the effects that users experience. By calculating the psilocybin content, we can more easily compare the dosages with scientific studies, where the dosage is almost always given in milligrams of psilocybin. Accurately adjusting the dosage to the needs of the participant also helps to maximize the effectiveness and minimize possible side effects.

Scientific studies often use standardized doses, such as 15 or 25 mg of psilocybin, to ensure consistency and reproducibility of results. This allows researchers to accurately study the effects of psilocybin on brain activity, emotions, and behavior. Using a standardized dose also helps to reduce variability between participants, which is important for obtaining reliable and valid research results.

In addition, it is important to emphasize that the psychoactive effects of psilocybin are highly dose-dependent. At lower doses, the effects can be more subtle, while higher doses lead to more intense psychedelic experiences. This is also the reason why truffle ceremonies are often divided into different trip levels, with the dosage of psilocybin playing an important role in the experience of the participant.

Amount of psilocybin in truffle ceremonies

The amount of psilocybin in our truffle ceremonies are used depends on the wishes of the participant and what is considered responsible. Most participants take about 30-45mg of psilocybin. This is equivalent to 30-45 grams of fresh potent magic truffles or 3-4.5 grams of dried magic mushrooms. Of course, it also happens that participants take more or less than the average we have just outlined.

Divide the intake or all at once?

In truffle ceremonies, it is often chosen to build up the dosage. What happens most often with people who attend a truffle ceremony for the first time, is that they start with 15mg of psilocybin and then see after an hour whether they want another dosage. If a third dosage is needed, it should be done within 2 hours of the first intake, the effectiveness due to the increase of breakdown enzymes decreases if you wait too long.

For people with previous experience, it is often chosen to make the first dose a bit higher. This often results in a higher peak experience, because the breakdown enzymes have less grip. Sometimes it is also good to take a slightly higher dose and then accept what you get.

Truffle sessions as therapy

Participate in a truffle ceremony

If you want to participate in a truffle ceremony as a beginner, it is best to do so with an experienced party such as Triptherapie. At Triptherapie, they use a maximum of only 6 participants per truffle ceremony. This restriction is set to ensure that there is enough room for personal attention and guidance for each participant. With a group of 6 participants, there are always two supervisors present. This ratio of supervisors to participants is the best way to create a safe and supportive environment, in which each participant can receive the necessary guidance and attention during the ceremony. Due to the structure of the truffle ceremonies, it also offers the opportunity to go for a higher dosage.

If you would like to participate in a truffle ceremony, we advise you to complete the intake and read the informative pages that you can find via the buttons below.