Trip therapy: Truffle session Leiden

Truffle Session in Leiden

Today I am Leiden for an individual truffle session with the aim of treating depression where stress and anxiety are the cause. Despite the tension, this customer is doing great. With a lot of peace and tranquility he is now doing the introspection. Because of the peace he exudes now, it seems to be a success. During the discussion we will discuss the insights.

Do you want to know more about our approach during a truffle session? Check out the following link:

Truffle session

The original post comes from the link below

Trip therapy against depression, anxiety, stress, burnout and PTSD: Truffel session Leiden

Read more about our here psychedelic therapy in combination with treatment against depression, burnout, stress, fear, low self esteem, social anxiety, PTSD, insecurity and chronic inflammatory diseases.


Other names for psychedelic therapy: Ayahuasca, MDMA therapy, Truffle ceremony, mushroom ceremony, psilocybin ceremony.