Psilocybin therapy

Psychedelic therapy

Therapy with psychedelics (PAT) PAT stands for Psychedelic Assisted Therapy, a form of psychotherapy in which psychedelics are used to achieve a therapeutic effect. This form of therapy is currently being investigated as a treatment for various […]

Psychedelic trip Germany

German tripsitter

German Psychedelic Therapy Psychedelic therapy using psychoactive substances has become increasingly popular in recent years. These substances can help treat different types of mental health conditions and problems, from depression and anxiety […]

Truffle sessions as therapy

Truffle session

Truffle session in the Netherlands Truffle sessions are a legal alternative to mushroom sessions in the Netherlands, but work in the same way. During a truffle session you experience similar psychedelic effects, such as increased consciousness, visual hallucinations and an enhanced emotional […]

Psychedelic coaching

Psychedelic coaching

Psychedelic coaching is an emerging form of guidance that combines the benefits of psychedelic substances with professional guidance and coaching. Psychedelics, such as MDMA, LSD and psilocybin, have played a role in spiritual and therapeutic […]

Psychedelic therapy

The history of psychedelic therapy The history of psychedelic therapy begins in the 1950s. Scientists such as Albert Hofmann and Timothy Leary experimented with psychoactive substances such as LSD and psilocybin and their […]

LSD therapy

Trip therapy: LSD therapy LSD therapy LSD can also be used as a therapeutic agent. It works longer and a little less effectively than psilocybin from magic mushrooms, but it can still be used against depression, anxiety […]