SSRI and psilocybin

Psiloflora: SSRI and psilocybin Combining SSRIs with psychedelics like psilocybin Combining psychedelics like psilocybin, MDMA and LSD with psychoactive medication is not recommended. In a number of cases, the combination can be bad for your […]

Trip sitter Utrecht

Psiloflora: Tripsitter Utrecht Psychedelic guide in Utrecht We've got a very good tripsitter who lives in Utrecht. Her name is Loes and she's very gentle and caring about her customers/clients. In this blog you can […]

MDMA against MS

Neurotrophins and Multiple Sclerosis Neurotrophins such as Nerve Grow Factor (NGF) and Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF) appear to play a role in the creation and repair of new nerve cells. These neurotrophins can reduce the limiting […]

MDMA and trauma

A positive counter-experience MDMA sessions can bring about a very positive experience where the eyes are opened again to see the beautiful things in life. It is, as it were, an anti-PTSD […]

Therapy with drugs

Therapeutic drugs? Not all drugs are the same. There are many different substances that fall under the heading of drugs. Some fall under substance abuse, addictive substances or medicinal drugs such as marijuana. The way drugs are used […]