Psychedelic Therapy Netherlands: Truffle and mushroom ceremony at home, taken care of down to the last detail! The original post comes from the link below

Trip therapy: Less social anxiety after 1 time truffle therapy

Less social anxiety after 1 time truffle therapy
A handful of customers who have completed this test before participating in a short program of 2 to 3 weeks with us score better on this test. This means that the holistic approach through healthy food, supplements, the right exercise and finally a psychedelic trip ensures that these customers experience less social anxiety. 
Explanation operation
The right diet, exercise and supplements already provide more serotonin and less anxiety. With higher levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, people are also better able to read people, which brings about empathy. The increase in serotonin also provides more security and a sense of togetherness.
As the crowning glory, the psychedelic trip provides more self-esteem because it acts as a reset for the brain. Old fearful patterns give way to social patterns.
Posted by: Marcel

Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, LSAS

I have attached a test. This is a test that tests social anxiety. If social phobia or a form of autism is known to our customers, we recommend doing this test before and after a trip session. This way we can measure the extent to which our trip therapy positively influences social anxiety.

See the attachment for the test.

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