Education and experiences

The way we were raised and the experiences we faced in our early years can change the way our brains perceive the world; and how we feel about the world which in turn perceives the. Jason Silva talks about our "perception lenses" and how psychedelics can revolutionize psychotherapy by raising awareness in the video below. It's time to end the mental health epidemic!

Psychedelic therapy

Psychedelic therapy with psilocybin, for example, already starts during the preparation of such a session where the goal of the psychedelic session and the current state of the brain plays the biggest role. Such a psychedelic session works much better if the neurochemistry, which is already out of balance, becomes more balanced even before the psychedelic session. This means that the amount of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, GABA, dopamine and acetylcholine must be assessed and adjusted where necessary with nutrition and supplements. Furthermore, a psychedelic session works better if the intentions are expressed in a positive way and information is provided about the goal we want to achieve.


Are you currently not taking psychoactive medicines such as SSRI, MAOi, Benzodiazepines, antipsychotics, lithium or Tramadol? Then there is a good chance that a psilocybin session is one of the possibilities. Do the intake so that we can assess what is possible for you

Intake psychedelic session