Triptherapy: Truffle ceremonies and spirituality

Truffle ceremonies through trip therapy

A truffle ceremony with an eye for the healing properties is at hand the main form of a truffle ceremony. Lately more and more people are coming to our truffle ceremonies because of the spirituality that is sought during the psychedelic state of consciousness. At first the thought arose as to whether that was desirable, because we want to help people as much as possible to become healthy in every custard. Now the idea is that a spiritual experience can also mean a lot in terms of health.

Psilocybin therapy


Spirituality or health

Now that we have fully embraced spirituality as part of a healthy life, we are offering more and more opportunities to make spirituality the core goal of a truffle ceremony to let be. Where the intention to improve health mainly leads to individual truffle ceremonies, we increasingly have organized group ceremonies with an eye for spirituality. The beauty of spiritual sessions is that the healing properties are often discussed.


What's useful for you?

Is a group session convenient for you or do you prefer an individual session with a greater focus on health? The choice is yours. Use the links below for more information:

Open group ceremonies truffles

Truffle session as therapy

The original post comes from the link below

Trip therapy against depression, anxiety, stress, burnout and PTSD: Truffle ceremonies and spirituality

Read more about our here psychedelic therapy in combination with treatment against depression, burnout, stress, fear, low self esteem, social anxiety, PTSD, insecurity and chronic inflammatory diseases.


Other names for psychedelic therapy: Ayahuasca, MDMA therapy, Truffle ceremony, mushroom ceremony, psilocybin ceremony.