Trip therapy: Truffle ceremony in a hotel in Amsterdam

Truffle ceremony Amsterdam

At the moment my client is introspecting during his individual truffle ceremony. During the introspection, I let go of the person who is undergoing a trip so that they can enter their own world and experience. It gives me time to think of advice and to write this.


On location in Amsterdam

The individual ceremonies take place on location. This is possible throughout the Netherlands, but most of them still take place in Amsterdam. Like now I am also in Amsterdam. I brought all my supplies to this US resident customer's hotel. Amsterdam is often chosen because Amsterdam is the most famous. The truffle ceremonies also continue to take place at the customers' homes or in AirBNB homes. Everything is possible.

Purpose of the truffle ceremony

The purpose of this truffle ceremony is not therapeutic. In this case, it is meant to connect with spirituality. Something that goes beyond mere meditation. Although it is not intended to be therapeutic, spirituality can be therapeutic because spirituality can also give peace.


Good luck on the trip

The strength of the trip is very strong. In consultation we have decided to build up the dosage in steps. It's a triplevel 5 trip with a heroic dose. That means 1mg psilocybin per kg body weight (don't just try this out without experience and guidance). Triple level 5 is then achieved for a long period before landing via the lower triple levels.


Read more about the triple levels here

The original post comes from the link below

Trip therapy against depression, anxiety, stress, burnout and PTSD: Truffle ceremony in a hotel in Amsterdam

Read more about our here psychedelic therapy in combination with treatment against depression, burnout, stress, fear, low self esteem, social anxiety, PTSD, insecurity and chronic inflammatory diseases.


Other names for psychedelic therapy: Ayahuasca, MDMA therapy, Truffle ceremony, mushroom ceremony, psilocybin ceremony.