Psilocine therapie

Psilocine verdiend meer aandacht Psilocine is minder bekend dan psilocybine en we noemen vaak de sessies of therapieën met truffels of paddo’s psilocybine therapie. Wegens de naamsbekendheid van psilocybine, wordt er snel vergeten dat psilocybine […]

Psilocybine, ayahuasca, mescaline MDMA en LSD bij Netflix

Netflix en psychedelische documentaires Op Netflix staan inmiddels een hoop documentaires/films over psychedelica en de werking ervan. Zo is er nu redelijk veel informatie te vinden over psilocybine en LSD. In mindere mate wordt er […]

SSRI and psilocybin

Psiloflora: SSRI and psilocybin Combining SSRI’s with psychedelics like psilocybin Combining psychedelics like psilocybin, MDMA and LSD with psychoactive medication is not recommended. In a number of cases, the combination can be bad for your […]

Psilohuasca or psilocybin ceremony?

DMT, psilocybin and MAO inhibitors What is the best psychedelic ceremony for depression, addictions, anxiety or for a spiritual journey. Is ayahuasca better suited than a truffle ceremony and what is psilohuasca or psiloflora? We […]

Truffle ceremony the Netherlands

Psilocybin ceremony of mushroom session? Do you want to attend a psilocybin, mushroom or magic truffle ceremony and you don’t know what to choose? Don’t worry! Magic truffles containing psilocybin meaning it’s all basically the […]

Psychedelic PTSD treatment

Psilocybin as a psychedelic during therapy? Most of the psilocybin sessions we do are with clients with depression, but also with clients with anxiety complaints. Often anxiety complaints are deeply linked to depression as stress […]

Psilocybin against MS

Multiple sclerosis and Psilocybin This article first appeared on the website after a guided trip of a person with MS. In order to spread the knowledge how MS might can be treated with magic […]