Psilocybin against MS

Multiple sclerosis and Psilocybin This article first appeared on the website after a guided trip of a person with MS. In order to spread the knowledge how MS might can be treated with magic […]

Psilocybine sessie

Wat is een psilocybine sessie? Psilocybine is een stof die voorkomt in paddenstoelen van de soort Psilocybe. Na het innemen van deze paddenstoelen of truffels wordt psilocybine omgezet naar psilocine. Psilocine is de stof die […]

Magic truffle session

What’s a magic truffle session? A magic truffle session is a ceremony with psilocybin truffles (scelerotia of magic mushrooms) and the psilocybin causes a change of consciousness after ingestion. A truffle session therefore often has […]

Triptherapy is a company in the Netherlands nearby Amsterdam, Haarlem and Alkmaar. The sessions you can book there are psychedelic assisted therapy in combination with healthy lifestyle coaching. Shortlinks to all services offered by triptherapie: […]